Joseph A. Ruhl, Esq. | Regional President, Orange Bank & Trust | 914-422-3100 Do you or your associates ever issue...
Haub Law Adjunct Professor Elyse Diamond is Director of the Public Interest Law Center and Access to Justice Project. She is...
Thomas admitted that there may be more client funds misappropriated or misapplied because he has not done a complete accounting of...
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is leading a coalition opposed to the law.
The union accused the mayor of unfair labor practices.
The Pace Women’s Justice Center, a nonprofit at Pace University’s Elisabeth Haub School of Law in White Plains, celebrates its 30th...
He was most recently UPS' deputy general counsel.
Privacy is important for individuals, customers, and businesses alike. Privacy threats include data breaches and companies who overshare, violating their privacy...
New York entities have one month to prepare required notices to employees for certain types of electronic monitoring. On Nov. 8,...
Cybercriminals commit thefts every day just with email, stealing billions of dollars every year. Yes, billions with a “B”. This is...
New York State General Business Law Article 22-A was written to protect consumers from deceptive acts and practices in the conduct...
Pictured: Lawrence J. Finnell and Louis P. DiLorenzo. On Oct. 21, 2021, Gov. Hochul signed new legislation requiring private employers who...
Prof. Katrina Fischer Kuh, Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law at Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University. Will private actors,...
The duty of loyalty requires directors to put the organization”™s interests ahead of their own personal interests, and to disclose any...
After a data breach, organizations can expect that their cybersecurity program will be subject to greater scrutiny by government, customers, potential...