Whether you're a pro athlete or just starting out in life, a solid understanding of finance can help you build a...
A good team can recognize new ideas and opportunities as the product develops, the market adjusts and customers react.
A nursing home admission agreement, like any other contract, is no less enforceable if it contains an arbitration agreement.
A combination of strategies, resources and support can help caregivers continue to focus on their work at the office while balancing...
Loans from parents to adult children or other relatives can create a host of complications, from hurt feelings to estate planning...
Growth needs a plan in order to get things to turn out right. Figure out what you really want.
Adam Lauricella of Graceland Tattoos in Wappingers Falls creates personal body art.
The Cuban export arena is an ever-changing environment that depends on many factors: the U.S. regulatory regime, the Cuban regulatory regime,...
The City of Norwalk and the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency continue to elicit smart growth policies in the South Norwalk (SoNo) and...
The nuances of trademark law come into play at the inception of adopting a new company name or brand.
To achieve policy compliance, organizations must address the four key aspects of records management: people, process, technology and controls.
Keeping estate planning and the lines of communication open now prevents misunderstandings and hurt loved ones later.
The U.S. witnessed $38 billion in mobile online sales alone three years ago. That number has obviously increased since then and...
Al Alper offers ways even technically-challenged people can protect their businesses.
It’s not so much the hours worked, as it is the work that gets accomplished in the time available.