Position your company as influential. Integrate marketing with sales. Monitor results. Look for small changes that can produce big results.
To maximize market potential, recognize customer differences and work to meet their needs, provided you can satisfy them and still profit
A productive sales force is one of the keys to our success. It’s time for them to put things in gear....
Understanding the 80/20 Rule isn’t difficult, but getting yourself and your organization to use it in order to enjoy lasting prosperity...
A gift of a left-handed electric guitar model from an older brother wound up launching a lifetime career for right-handed 12-year-old...
Email marketing remains a critical part of online marketing. Despite some recent negative articles and statements concerning its effectiveness, it still...
Every time a part goes somewhere other than into a customer invoice, it means the company makes less money than it...
Take the time to build a hiring system. Train new hires on culture as well as skill. Build bench strength and...
Try viewing social media as being multilevel with each level being indicative of the extent to which it can help you.
The most expensive part of sales is usually door opening. Try to reduce the cost of making new contacts by investing...
Measuring the efficiency of a business is very different than measuring its effectiveness.
To prepare for trade shows, build a list of target shows. Investigate who goes and why. Define goals and decide who...
Along with ownership come certain responsibilities. When you don’t want to deal with something, figure out why. Lay out a standard...
My recent article on social media and branding received a lot of attention. I responded to a number of emails and...
BY ANDI GRAY Q: It”™s been a tough two years. We”™ve kept adding new clients, but at lower profit. We now...