The Wells Fargo Foundation recently donated $10,000 to Housatonic Habitat for Humanity to be used to help build affordable housing in the greater Danbury area. It was a Team Member Volunteer Program grant, in recognition of the support provided by Wells Fargo employees to Housatonic Habitat.
Greater Danbury District Manager Lucille Harriman said that the bank wants to help build stronger communities by investing and volunteering in support of neighborhood
revitalization efforts.
Since its inception in 1993, the Wells Fargo Housing Foundation has invested more than $150 million nationwide toward such efforts.
Doug Hensal, president of Housatonic”™s board of directors, said, “By providing decent, affordable and safe housing to qualified regional families, Housatonic Habitat contributes to community revitalization in the greater Danbury region by creating homes that can transform a street and neighborhood and add value to the community.”