The $10 million upgrade of New Haven line”™s power supply is complete, said Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy in a recent press release. Power has been fully upgraded from Greens Farms Station in Westport to Harrison, N.Y.
The Connecticut Department of Transportation, which contracts Metro-North to operate its trains, said the power supply upgrade will now allow the New Haven line to add more services.
Connecticut Light & Power installed new transformers to replace the four aging ones at Cos Cob in Greenwich. The project nearly doubled the capacity of the two west transformers from 16 megawatts to 30 megawatts to match the two east transformers that were replaced earlier.
The project was designed to prevent the type of power failure that occurred last fall in Mount Vernon, N.Y., which disrupted the New Haven line service, Malloy said in a written statement.
The transformer replacement project included the upgrade and relocation of supply feeder cables servicing the substation, the construction and installation of duct banks for the cables, manholes, foundations and equipment pads, among other improvements.