Electricity customers of Consolidated Edison could see a lower bills this summer because of lower supply prices this year.
A typical resident in Westchester County, using about 500 kilowatt-hours per month, could see a 6.8 percent decrease in average summer bills to $126.27, down from last year”™s average of $135.50, according to a statement from the company.
Earlier this year, Con Ed filed with the state Public Service Commission to increase its rates by 3.2 percent on average in 2016. The company said it needed to raise $368 million in revenue to support service enhancements including storm hardening and system reliability measures.
Con Ed said it is in the third year of a $1.3 billion, four-year program for post-Superstorm Sandy improvements that would make the company”™s equipment more resilient in the event of a major storm.
The utility provides electricity, gas and steam to residents and businesses in New York City and Westchester County.