A New York City nonprofit brings its mobile science lab to students in Westchester County
A nonprofit group of volunteers in Peekskill labors for the cause of a Lincoln museum
A top wealth management firm in Westchester leads the way in bringing young adults with autism into the workplace
Business students at Mercy College are developing a business strategy and test markets for an inventive violinist and his robotics music...
Architect and developer Charles Brodie has a grand plan for Orange County’s Randall Airport.
At New York Medical College, Doris Bucher runs a world-class laboratory that develops seed viruses for the world’s seasonal flu vaccines.
Doris Bucher, associate professor at New York Medical College's Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences in Valhalla, has led a team...
Debra Jacoby is a one-woman business department at Ossining High School, where her program has been cited as a model for...
Mergers are like courtships followed by marriage. Set up a system for getting to know each other now. Evaluate the outcome...
Jim Muehlhausen, author of "The 51 Fatal Business Errors and How to Avoid Them," speaks at a Feb. 14, 2013 roundtable...
A former minor league baseball player has built a successful small business in Westchester teaching the game to youths.
Suzyn Waldman, Valerie Salembier and Paula Zahn discussed their careers, issues and offered words of encouragement to young women seeking careers...
Raised in Rye Brook, Duke University student Bryan Silverman has been named College Entrepreneur of 2012 for the novel startup business...
David and Cathy Lilburne own the Antipodean showroom at Garrison Landing in Garrison.
When Helen Nitkin started a real estate development firm in 1985 with her husband, she didn’t expect that one day she...