From the birth of the George Foreman Grill to a talented Kenny G breaking the world record for the longest note...
In the span of a year, Connecticut home and business owners added 443,000 high-speed Internet connections – more than enough to...
On a dead-end street in a Mamaroneck district of small business offices, machine and auto shops and warehouses, a timeless all-American...
A Wilton company is developing systems to help prisons monitor cell phone calls made by inmates.
The Reader’s Digest Association Inc. has contracted with Great Britain’s Williams Lea company to provide outsourced printing and marketing for the...
When Gus Bottazzi joined Merlot Communications two years ago, the then eight-year-old Bethel company had incurred net losses and negative cash... Inc. continues to cash in on consumer’s appetite for online coupons, maintaining its status as the fastest-growing company in Fairfield...
Gary Ferone’s own personal dating odyssey planted the seed for a matchmaking company that in four years has expanded to nine...
Gary Ferone’s own personal dating odyssey planted the seed for a matchmaking company that in four years has expanded to nine...
In the beginning was the word and the word was in French.
As Connecticut reels from multiple cases of identity theft, a Pennsylvania company plans to begin installing “vaults†in commercial and public...
Five years ago, Michael Kriz, a former expatriate magazine writer turned businessman, borrowed $50,000 from a friend to launch a global...
A telecommunications installer has filed a class-action suit against the largest Bell telephone competitor in the Northeast, claiming Connecticut customers are...
“Stupid is as stupid does,†to borrow from Forrest Gump.