“Safe & Sound the Musical,” made its world premiere at the Front Row Fringe Festival this month, winning a total of 10 awards. The empowering new musical was written by Holly Block of Mahopac, New York and the UK”™s Elizabeth Jerjan.
Creation of the show was a true partnership between these two women who share the writing credits for the book as well as the music. “It evolved quite easily and naturally. Before I met Holly, I was writing songs. You”™re taught about writing formulas, but they never really tell you to find something you want to write about, or to figure out what you want to say. The irony, that I can”™t explain, is that I wrote the song ”˜Vibrations”™ before I knew the show”™s character existed. I had his story in my head. Holly had the character without the music in her head. It felt like dominos fell into place. Magic,” said Jerjan.
Block is an actress and writer and a graduate of Circle in the Square Theater Conservatory.
Both Jerjan and Block are based in New York City.