“Safe & Sound the Musical,” made its world premierat the Front Row Fringe Festival this month, winning a total of 10 awards. The empowering new musical was written by Holly Block of Mahopac, New York and the UK”™s Elizabeth Jerjan.

Creation of the show was a true partnership between these two women who share the writing credits for the book as well as the music. “It evolved quite easily and naturally. Before I met Holly, I was writing songs. You”™re taught about writing formulas, but they never really tell you to find something you want to write about, or to figure out what you want to say. The irony, that I can”™t explain, is that I wrote the song ”˜Vibrations”™ before I knew the show”™s character existed. I had his story in my head. Holly had the character without the music in her head. It felt like dominos fell into place. Magic,” said Jerjan.

Block is an actress and writer and a graduate of Circle in the Square Theater Conservatory.

Both Jerjan and Block are based in New York City.