Kellys Family Foods™ is a Norwalk-based family owned and operated company with a line of 100% all natural gluten-free granolas that are sold at independent grocery stores, leading national chains, university coffee shops, and direct to consumers through on line marketing.
All of our granolas are based on FOUR healthy ingredients – 100% whole grain gluten free rolled oats, non-GMO expeller pressed canola oil, USDA organic honey, and pure maple syrup ”“ PLUS, we add nuts, dried fruits and natural flavors to make our six flavors.
Customers say our Four Plus Granola™ tastes light, fresh, and natural. Not too dry, not too crunchy, not too sweet. All our flavors are low in sugar, ranging from 3g to 5g per serving.
You don”™t have to be a foodie or a specialty food manufacturer to have noticed all of the new food trends and products that have been coming to market in recent years. Paleo, keto, natural sugar substitutes, plant-based protein, insects, CBDinfused products, and much more.
We say “Forget the fads, it”™s all about the taste.” Our customers buy Four Plus Granola™ for their healthy life style, but they really love it for the taste.
From the beginning, we have believed it is important to support the community in which we live and work. We wanted to do more than making donations to local charities. So we reached out to Norwalk community service organizations and state agencies with the goal of recruiting people who have challenges in entering the work force.
It is often difficult to integrate workers into the demanding environment of food manufacturing with all of the policies and procedures required to make a consistently high quality product and meet all of the relevant standards for safe handling of food products. After nearly 10 years of these efforts, we have had some bumps in the road, but we have largely had great success. With patience and commitment from all of our team, we have seen that some of the most challenged members of the work force can find meaningful employment in a demanding environment if given the chance.
We are proud of our product, proud of our team, and proud to be a member of the Norwalk community!