Most job seekers are unable to identify their transferable skills on their resumes or identify how their skills would be applicable for work in other industries, according to a new national survey from LiveCareer.

In a poll of 1,519 unemployed job seekers conducted from May 6-11, 57% of respondents could not highlight their transferable skills with any great confidence, while 58% were not sure how to include transferable skills on their resume and 58% lacked the confidence in being able to find new jobs where their skills would apply.
Furthermore, 56%, of job seekers said they are looking for work in the same industries from which they were laid off or in a similar industry. But 34% could not provide good examples of how their skills would apply to another job and 53% stated they did not know the best resume format to use to get their next job.
The LiveCareer survey also found that job seekers possessed a weaker grasp of soft skills than hard skills: Only 40% believed they could capture soft skills on their resume (teamwork, communication, leadership) while 45% said the same for hard skills (project management, software expertise, inventory management).
Nonetheless, 58% respondents insisted they had, at best, a moderate level of confidence they would be able to present important skills on their resume.