New York state was ranked 10th in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce”™s 2012 “Enterprising States” study, which rates overall economic performance and business-friendly policies.
The ranking represented an 11-spot jump compared to the 2011 study, with the authors citing rapid expansion of New York”™s Gross State Product and of per capita personal income.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo applauded the findings, saying that state government “for too long … stood in the way of business development.”
“In the spirit of entrepreneurial government and through our New York Works initiatives, we have positioned the state as a partner to the private sector to encourage billions of dollars of new investment in nanotechnology and other growth industries,” Cuomo said in a statement.
Notably, New York state is fourth in Gross State Product per job and ninth in per capita personal income growth over the past decade, the study shows.
“We are investing for the first time in new regional economic strategies that focus on the unique strengths of each part of the state, in addition to cutting taxes on small businesses and passing the lowest tax rates on middle class families in 58 years,” he added.
North Dakota took home the top overall ranking.