Cloud10 Smart Wash, a car wash operator that is headquartered in Willimantic, Connecticut, and has approximately 10 locations in operation in four states with more in development, is seeking to build a facility in Darien. The entity 1852 Darien I LLC, which is related to Cloud10, has gone before Darien’s Planning and Zoning Commission to seek approval to demolish the former Bertucci’s Restaurant at 54 Boston Post Road and build one of its advance car washing facilities.
Darien resident Brendan Johnson, who currently is the company’s CEO, was one of Cloud10’s founding partners.
The site in question covers 2.14-acres on the south side of Boston Post Road. According to documents filed with Darien, 19,880 square feet of existing impervious surface would be dug up and new landscaping including 28 new trees would be planted. A modern storm water treatment system would be installed.
According to the Stamford-based law firm Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey LLP that is representing Cloud10, Bertucci’s Restaurant closed in September 2022 and the property has been vacant since then.
“Cloud10 ensures its buildings are a point of pride within the communities they serve,” the law firm told Darien. “Typically, car washes are maintained in 20th century, industrial style buildings with minimal attention paid to site landscaping or environmental sustainability. Cloud10 believes its customers and communities deserve better. With this in mind, Cloud10 retained Beinfield Architecture to design a building that will enhance this Gateway to the Town of Darien.”
Darien’s Architectural Review Board has already approved the design of the proposed car wash.
Cloud10 took the position that the proposal would improve traffic conditions for motorists by consolidating the existing curb cuts on the property and has offered to make whatever realignments the Connecticut Department of Transportation deems necessary. Its site plan has three queuing lanes accommodating up to 40 vehicles entirely within the property. The applicant points out that Cloud 10 uses an automated point of sale system that will “check in” customers as they pull up to the building. The system will recognize returning customers and reduce wait times and queuing within the property. It also says that the new car wash building would be set back from the street twice the setback distance of the restaurant building.
According to a description of what happens after a customer is checked in, an automated belt will carry a vehicle through the washing process. Cars will be washed with what Cloud10 describes as environmentally sound and optimized practices to limit waste and runoff, while limiting wait times. Once the washing process is complete, patrons will be able to either leave the property, or park in one of the 34 parking spaces equipped with self-serve vacuums and other detailing amenities. Five additional parking spaces will be reserved for employee parking.
Cloud10 points out that it uses state-of-the-art environmental engineering practices, such as ultra-efficient water-saving recycling systems. It says it achieves the lowest per-vehicle use of fresh water throughout the entire car wash industry and the highest gallons per car of reclaimed water. Cloud10 also notes that it utilizes biodegradable, environmentally friendly products distributed by Simoniz USA, Inc., which it points out is a Connecticut-based, family-owned business.
The proposed Cloud10 facility in Darien would be open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., 7 days a week.