Doral Arrowwood Hotel and Conference Center is bouncing back from a recent lull in its meetings and conventions business. Though the...
A new store has opened in The Westchester mall, though it may be one of the few where customers shouldn”™t expect...
The HVAC firm invested $1.7 million of its own to renovate its facility at 420 West Ave., and is about halfway...
The so-called “Tesla bill" would allow the sale of electric vehicles directly to consumers without having to go through franchise dealerships.
You don’t make money on social media by selling products all of the time. You do it by building relationships.
With low interest and capitalization rates, steady growth in both Fairfield and Westchester looks to continue — though the full impact...
Profits were down 85 percent and revenue down 4 percent for the period ending March 31, compared with the same period...
Every seller has something unique to offer. The closer the match between what you offer and what the prospect wants, the...
Tarrytown Honda owner buys another dealership while planning to expand Tarrytown shop.
New Canaan landscape architect brings 22 years of experience into her own company.
The U.S. witnessed $38 billion in mobile online sales alone three years ago. That number has obviously increased since then and...
Finding your next great client is like working your way through a detective’s story. You have to have a mind for...
Entrepreneur Susanne Shoemaker prepares for a national competition with other developers of products for women and the launch of her specialty...
Hiring salespeople can appear to be costly and risky. Finding the right sales person can be challenging.
As part of the agreement, the Fort Worth, Texas-based home furnishings company will also require managers to post store schedules a...