Four executives have consented to judgments permanently enjoining them from future violations of the charged provisions and requiring them to pay...
The Partnership for Connecticut collapsed two months after its April launch.
The initiative is also examining ways to increase investments and partnerships with minority-owned businesses and provide capital and educational investments into...
Barbara Meyzen owned and operated the eatery from 1993 to 2019.
The usual mitigating practices (masks, social distancing) will still apply in all circumstances. “Obviously we’re dialing up the risk a little...
The developer badly needs Chapter 11 relief, manager Jonathan Sacks states in an affidavit, “to put the … project back on...
According to the new CBIA survey, 47% of businesses expect to see a profit this year – down considerably from 77%...
“Over the past six months, Shared Work has benefited more than 24,300 workers from 1,340 companies, allowing them to keep their...
Metro Green Court consists of 27 one- and two-bedroom and loft-style market rate rental apartment homes.
According to Connecticut’s Chief Operating Officer Josh Geballe, the goal of the initiative “is to ensure businesses, consumers, and residents spend...
The 25,000-square-foot facility will house 45 exam rooms and three procedure rooms for some 30 providers in a number of specialties.
Fifteen students graduated from Norwalk’s Certified Nurse Aide program last week after completing their coursework and clinical rotations.
The developer's brownfield application suggests that it might obtain site plan approval from the Village of Port Chester by August 2021,...
“We’ve been fortunate in that developers are still moving ahead with their projects, and more people are looking to locate to...
“The first and most important reason for expanding to Connecticut was DEEP (the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection) increasing the...