Insurance industry veteran Timothy McFadden was named lead independent director.
Fager was also a founding board member of the Medical Professional Liability Association.
"In effect, Sabra's position is that Hartford must pretend that the water leak is the only thing that happened to Sabra....
The SEC says it is "necessary and appropriate in the public interest" to determine if North Carolina criminal allegations are true...
The proximity and similarity of three calls, including the pause and click sounds, indicate en masse telemarketing that might violate the...
All of HMS’ more than 120 employees, including President Gary L. Berger, will join MMA.
New York State has the highest PrEP coverage in the nation.
CBHV, of Newburgh, "engages in a regular practice of perpetuating Medicaid fraud," the complaint states, "by dunning Medicaid recipients for additional...
All 19 of the McDonald Zaring employees will be joining MMA
"The testimony and documents sought," the petition states, "can reasonably be expected to cast light upon the subject of the IRS...
The company said it "can no longer offer competitively priced fully insured small employer products in this market."
The office staff is fluent in English, Spanish and Creole.
Bradley Insurance Agency was founded in 1972.
Curtis E. Fletcher has been named president and CEO of the new business.
Blue Cross of Puerto Rico “received an unjustified windfall,†the complaint states, by withholding funds that should have been paid to...