A total of 8,228 people were admitted to the park in Rye, the highest number recorded on opening day in seven...
Tax revenue from the sector for calendar year 2017 was $2.2 billion, including $960 million in state and local taxes.
The company accused the county executive of mismanaging the park, refusing to negotiate, disregarded $20 million in increased funding, and consistently...
Standard Amusements said that it has worked for nine years and spent more than $10 million on Playland.
“We are an economic driver for the state," says the bureau's president Robert Murdock. "If you give us more money, we...
*********************************************** PHOTO: GRAPHICS: SCREEN GRABS OF WEBSITE IN BJ0506019 *********************************************** “Some people are surprised that a real estate company would create...
The airline reported a first-quarter operating loss of $172 million on sales of approximately $1.2 billion.
The nonprofit organization Walkway Over the Hudson arranged for the study, which was prepared by Newburgh-based Pattern for Progress with support...
The April 20 game was the first of seven home games for the New York Streets at the County Center.
The New York Streets is the newest franchise in the National Arena League (NAL), which so far has six teams
No reason was given for the move, which took place on Feb. 11 but has only now come to light.
The hotel was acquired by an affiliate of Juniper Capital Partners and an affiliate of IMH Financial Corp.
The idea of a full-scale gaming license for Empire City continues to be a key part of BCW’s legislative agenda, said...
Dudley’s Parkview Restaurant and Bar and the adjacent 80-slip Polychrom Marina sold for $3.7 million.
The Westchester County Board of Legislators voted to issue $10 million in county bonds to repave and make other improvements to...