New York Giants' playoff run helps kick off economy
Economic development forum in Bridgeport is marked by a huge lack of key attendees
Fairfield's economy is one step ahead of those of its neighbors.
Office vacancy rate reaches a high in Fairfield County
Mayor Bill Finch names Bridgeport economic advisory panel
Tiny town uses new urbanism as platform to lure new shops
Committee of Ulster County outlined a blueprint for the Tomorrow Initiative to take control of the county's own economic situation.
Surdey declares that the economic forecast for the Hudson Valley is a bit cloudy, but overall sunnier than those of neighbors.
While the economy may be suffering, Danbury has big plans of its own
Downtown Chester's Brookside Avenue is rejuvenated
A cadre of state power players will meet as a new cabinet serving Gov. Eliot Spitzer on issues of smart growth....
Hudson Valley Business asked Lance Matteson, president and CEO of the Ulster County Development Corp., and Anne Conroy, president and CEO...
For 20 years, Amos Post-Kosco, a home-heating fuel supply company, occupied a site in Kingston on the Rondout Creek, leasing the...
It would transform a deteriorated and environmentally contaminated industrial sector of Yonkers into a Hudson River mecca of public parks and...
A development agreement between General Motors and Roseland Properties L.L.C. of Short Hills, N.J., to develop the 100-acre site of a...