Two Westchester County companies will be among four firms vying to attract investors in their businesses at a breakfast event Friday in Tarrytown presented by The Association for Corporate Growth”™s New York chapter.
The West-Hud DealTank is the ACG”™s middle-market version of the popular business-pitching reality television show “Shark Tank” and the pitch sessions conducted in the venture capital community. It will be from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Nov. 15 at the Castle Hotel & Spa, formerly Castle-on-the-Hudson, at 400 Benedict Ave.
The program features four middle-market private companies seeking to raise institutional capital for their businesses. They will make short presentations of their companies’ investment merits to a panel of four private equity investors. The panel and audience will provide feedback, ask questions, and vote on the “best” company in several different categories. Once votes are tallied, winners and prizes will be announced.
The pitches could result in investments, ACG officials said.
Contestants include Raw Indulgence, a Hawthorne-based consumer products company that makes and distributes healthy snack foods regionally; Secure Path Networks, a telecommunication consulting firm in Pelham that helps businesses optimize expenditures on their telecom networks; VPIsystems, a provider of end-to-end, predictive network analytics with offices in Somerset, N.J., and Berlin, Germany, and Vitex Extrusion,  an aluminum extrusion manufacturer  in Franklin, N.H., supplying alternative energy, automotive, consumer goods and electronics.
“Business owners who attend will gain new insight into how companies present themselves,” said Richard Baum, chairman and moderator of the DealTank event and managing partner of Consumer Growth Partners in White Plains. “Private capital investors, lenders, service providers and others who attend can identify new investment opportunities, clients and customers as well as make new contacts in the New York metropolitan financial community.”
For more information or to register, visit the website.