Darien resident Robert Baylis, a trustee of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and board member of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, was elected recently to the AmeriCares Board of Directors.
Stamford-based AmeriCares has worked in most of the world”™s countries ”“ a total 164 ”“ and since its founding in 1982 has dispensed more than $11 billion in aid.
“I have been a longtime supporter of AmeriCares and believe in its mission to help improve health and save lives,” Baylis said. “I am proud to deepen my commitment to an organization doing such great work all over the world.”
Baylis is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Business School. He was vice-chairman of First Boston Corp. and chairman and CEO of C. S. First Boston Pacific in Hong Kong.
The hands-on AmeriCares board oversees all aspects of the organization”™s humanitarian aid programs, including its disaster response work and medical aid deliveries in the developing world. Last year, AmeriCares delivered medicines and relief supplies to 91 countries, including the U.S. where it supports health care for the uninsured and underinsured.