Sunnyside, the former home of world-renowned author Washington Irving, was known for hosting elegant parties on its rolling, romantic landscape in the 19th century. On June 18, Irving”™s beloved cottage held one more extravaganza, as Historic Hudson Valley hosted The Hudson Valley Hero Gala.
The nonprofit preservation and education organization honored Joseph Cotter, president of National RE/sources, the largest private owner of riverfront land. Established in 1996, the company was the first institutionally funded brownfields developer with a portfolio that includes office, mixed-use, industrial and residential properties. Historic Hudson Valley cited NRE for its work with civic organizations along the Hudson on projects that meet the needs of riverfront communities.
The celebration had 300-plus guests in attendance and raised $325,000 for Historic Hudson Valley. John T. Cooney, Jr., HHV board of trustees chairman, Michael Hegarty, John R. Peckham, HHV board member, Mark F. Rockefeller, and Lawrence D. Stewart, were the event chairs.