Pace University’s Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems will offer a new Ph.D program in computer science beginning this fall.
This is the first Ph.D program in computer science in the Hudson Valley between New York City and Albany. Students will be closely integrated in applied research projects that emphasize telehealth and biometrics, web computing and information assurance, artificial intelligence and robotics, and software engineering and formal methods.
“The  United States urgently needs quality computing innovators to enhance its competitiveness in the global market and create new job opportunities,” Dr. Amar Gupta, dean of the Seidenberg School, said in a written statement. “The goal of the new Ph.D program is to build on Pace’s successful B.S. in computer science, M.S. in computer science and D.P.S. in computing programs and cultivate advanced computing research scholars and professionals who will be competent in both industry and academia.”
How great!! Their Masters Program is fantastic so this makes sense!