Where does a business or individual go to report an Internet crime?
The Internet Criminal Complaint Center, IC3, is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National White Collar Crime Center and the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Its website address is: http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx.
Initially formed in 2000 to receive, develop and refer complaints of online fraud, the range of complaints it now handles reflects the wide and fast-growing arena of cyber crime. They including intellectual property rights issues, computer intrusions such as the illicit overseas bank transfers that victimized a Mount Vernon company last year, trade-secrets theft, international money laundering and identity theft.
The IC3 website provides an easy-to-use reporting mechanism for victims of cyber crime that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations.
IC3 accepts complaints from either the person who believes they were defrauded or from a third party to the complainant. The following information is requested when filing a complaint:
- Your name;
- Your mailing address;
- Your telephone number;
- The name, address, telephone number and web address, if available, of the individual or organization you believe defrauded you;
- Specific details on how, why and when you believe you were defrauded; and
- Any other relevant information you believe is necessary to support your complaint.
As Internet crime complaints are reported online, the IC3 electronically compiles the data. Trained analysts review and research each complaint, disseminating information to the appropriate federal, state, local or international law enforcement or regulatory agencies for criminal, civil or administrative action, as appropriate. Investigation and prosecution is at the discretion of the receiving agencies.
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) cannot provide information on a specific company.