Valhalla-based developer Louis R. Cappelli, recently stymied by city officials and vocal residents in pushing ahead with his $1 billion Station Square office towers and Metro-North station project in downtown White Plains, has launched an interactive Web site as a “news center” where the public can track and comment on the several projects of Cappelli Enterprises Inc.
The Web site,, reports on the company”™s current development projects in White Plains, New Rochelle, Yonkers, Ossining, Yorktown, Stamford, Conn., and the Catskills. It features a section for questions and comments for project managers. Visitors may join a community e-mail list to receive company announcements and updates. The site, which will be updated regularly, also has a link to the Cappelli company Web site,
“The company has expanded to the point that it makes sense to provide the public with a consolidated source of news about Cappelli activities,” said Joseph V. Apicella, executive vice president of Cappelli Enterprises. “Given the exponential growth in Internet use and the ability it gives for instant communication, we felt that this clearly was an effective way for us to better communicate with the public. We are interested in hearing from the citizens in the communities where we are developing and operating projects, and we plan to respond to their comments and concerns.”
The interactive site includes a section, “Recent Headlines,” where visitors can read recent newspaper reports and editorials about the developer”™s projects. Missing there are news reports early this month of Cappelli”™s withdrawal of his Station Square project when the White Plains Common Council indicated it would unanimously deny his request for exclusive development rights for the project.