Felix Colon, who for almost 30 years has worked at the Regional Economic Community Action Program (RECAP) in the Hudson Valley, was recognized for his dedicated and compassionate service to those seeking services for substance-use disorder. But, Colon isn”™t a doctor or social worker; he”™s the program”™s driver and also serves as the resident master gardener.
Colon, 79, is based at RECAP”™s New Life Manor, a halfway house in Newburgh. He was honored with the New York State Community Action Association”™s NYSCAA Service Award at the 2018 Annual Awards event in Albany.
The award recognizes community action workers who exhibit professionalism, cultural competence, and willingness to go above and beyond while pursuing the mission and values of community action.
NYSCCA provides community action agencies with information, professional development, and technical assistance to enhance their capacity to serve as effective, responsive community resources.