The Greenwich United Way has reached the fundraising goal for its Early Childhood Achievement Gap Solutions program. United Way CEO David Rabin told the Business Journal that $1.26 million has been raised, which will fund the program for three years. Fundraising began in September 2016 and the goal was reached a few weeks ago.
The program was created to help close the educational achievement gap in Greenwich. It was launched in collaboration with Family Centers, YMCA of Greenwich, Greenwich Public Schools and others.
Rabin said, “No one agency can solve the achievement gap issue. The Greenwich United Way, as it has been doing for 85 years, is uniquely positioned to do the research, raise the funds and bring together the most qualified parties to address a need and develop a lasting solution. We are fortunate to be able to ”¦ bring this proven, data-driven solution to our town in an effort to allow at-risk children to enter kindergarten on a level playing field with their not-at-risk peers.”