A documentary created by students at Pace University, which examines the impact of development on Florida”™s ecosystem had its premier at the Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville on May 10. In addition, the film has been released for worldwide viewing on YouTube. The title is “Ridge to Ranch to River to Reef: Florida”™s Conservation Connections.”
Students in the documentary film class spent their spring break filming in Florida, and covered various parts of the state from the Gulf Coast to the interior. The film looks at the continuing population increase in Florida, with about 1,000 people moving there every day, and about 175,000 acres undergoing new development each year.
Pace students Shakira Evans, Nicholas Farris, Allison Fennik, Camilla Klævold, Zhenming Liu, Megan Meyer, Felicia Robcke, Rachel Weiss and Kelly Whritenour worked on the film in the course taught by Maria Luskay.