VINCENT BRAGG is the co-founder and CEO of ConCreates, an advertising agency that employs creatives with criminal backgrounds. Everyone at his advertising agency has served time in prison. The creative agency is staffed entirely by people who are incarcerated or who were previously incarcerated. After being sentenced to several years in prison, Bragg quickly learned that some of the most outside-of-the-box thinking happens inside the box. During his incarceration he watched as his fellow convicts were able to make something from nothing ”“ books, music, entire meals ”“ all created between four barren concrete walls. It was here Bragg realized the cells meant to imprison them for 23 hours a day were actually breeding grounds for creativity. Throughout the rest of his sentence Bragg naturally assumed a leadership role among his fellow inmates ”“ a set of skills he previously obtained from his extremely successful run as marketing vice president of X.Radio.Biz. Using his years of experience from the marketing and entertainment industries, Bragg organized think tanks, book clubs, led a cancer walk and developed an animated series ”“ all behind bars. Years later, still inspired by the sheer amount of talent he saw in prison, he founded ConCreates: a creative agency that crowdsources ideas from incarcerated and formerly incarcerated men and women. Today, he serves as the agency”™s CEO, developing radical ideas for brands with his team of radical thinkers ”“ the ConCreators. Now the same skills that put his creative teams behind bars are helping them find careers and become contributing, creative members of society. ConCreates hopes to shatter the stigma associated with the one-third of the U.S. population that has criminal histories by providing people with a second chance to be valuable members of society and reduce recidivism. The ConCreates network is made up of a diverse range of thinkers that span geographies, socioeconomic groups and ethnic backgrounds. For more information about ConCreates, visit