When U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Bridgeport Mayor Joseph P. Ganim proclaimed Nov. 26 to be “Harry Bell Day,” Bell”™s reaction was, “It”™s amazing! I”™m shocked, happy and humbled, all at once.” Bell was invited to the mayor”™s office for a celebration.
What makes Bell noteworthy? When he isn”™t busy on the job as a security guard at the University of Bridgeport, he”™s busy being a writer who has reached local children with his coloring books designed to inspire them to think positively.
He has published two books: “Color a Positive Thought” and “Color a Positive Thought 2.” The illustrations in the books were co-created with fellow university security guard Ed Hernandez. The books have been translated into Spanish and in 2016, the Bridgeport School District adopted them for its curriculum.
Positive thinking has been an important part of Bell”™s life. He was a newborn when his drug-addicted mother left him at the hospital. He was raised by an aunt in Bridgeport”™s Trumbull Gardens public housing, encouraged by an older cousin, and mentored by elementary school teacher Howard Owens who became a lifelong friend.
Bell maintains a Facebook page: facebook.com/colorapositivethought/.