The Osborn, a private, nonprofit continuum of care community, will host a three-session webinar series titled “Planning for the Future,” which will explore crucial topics concerning the future of seniors amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Hosted by Osborn Vice President Christa Picciano-Daniello, the sessions will present experts discussing timely issues, including challenges of Alzheimer”™s disease during the pandemic, estate planning during Covid-19, as well as changes in the local real estate market. All events are complimentary and open to the public.
According to Matthew Anderson, president and CEO of The Osborn, “So much has happened and changed during the pandemic, but at The Osborn we continue our historic tradition of helping older adults sustain a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. This well-curated webinar series will provide vital information from our area”™s leading experts in their respective fields, enabling people in our community to design optimal plans for the future.”
Program schedule:
”¢. Oct. 21, 2 ”“ 3:30 p.m. Meg Boyce, vice president, programs and services of the Alzheimer”™s Association, will discuss the challenges of Alzheimer”™s disease amid the Covid crisis. To register for the webinar, visit Hot Topics in the Alzheimer”™s World.
”¢ Nov. 18, 1”“ 2:30 p.m. Mari Galvin, partner at Cassin & Cassin and Michael LaMagna, partner at Riker Danzig, will present a session that explores how a medical crisis or unexpected death can turn the world upside down. To register for the webinar, visit Estate Planning amid the Covid Crisis.
Dec. 16, 1 ”“ 2:30 p.m. Maureen Campbell, senior vice president of Premier Transitions Corporate and senior relocation services, will discuss the current local real estate market and changes brought on by Covid-19.
To register for the webinar, visit