Ambulnz, a health care and technology company, has entered an agreement with the Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services to offer the company’s first dedicated 911 system.
“The health of our community is a top priority and we are thrilled to partner with Ambulnz to bring a new standard of care to the residents and visitors of this county,” said Putnam County Executive MaryEllen Odell. “We”™re thrilled to be the first county to work with Ambulnz on a dedicated 911 system, which
will enable us to provide top-tier emergency medical services.”
Through the new contract, Ambulnz is cleared to equip Putnam with advanced life support services, or 911 access to paramedic services. Ambulnz will provide three advanced life support first-response units and two advanced life support ambulances.
Ambulnz was founded in southern California in 2016, and now offers services across 26 U.S. states and the United Kingdom. It is a subsidiary of DocGo, a provider of mobile medical services and transportation.
“We”™re excited to have the opportunity to partner with and to provide advanced life support services in Putnam County,” said Michael Witkowski, chief of operations at DocGo.
The contract and service change will take effect on Jan. 1, 2022.