Continuing Stepinac High School’s commitment to help meet the urgent need for blood donations, 63 donors (students, parents, member of the school’s administration, faculty, staff, parents and individuals from the White Plains and surrounding community) answered the call again in the school’s recent fall community blood drive for the New York Blood Center (NYBC)
In so doing, they exceeded the drive’s goal of 55 donations. The successful campaign by the renowned all-boys Catholic high school will potentially save about 189 lives at area hospitals as each donated pint of blood can save three lives, including cancer patients, accident, burn and trauma victims, newborn babies, mothers delivering babies, transplant patients, surgery patients and others in need.
In an email to Stepinac, the NYBC thanked the school for hosting the life-saving blood drive. A longtime supporter of the NYBC, Stepinac’s participation in the New York Yankees 2022-2023 High School Blood Donors Championships Initiative was honored by the 27-time World Champion team. In a letter to Principal Paul Carty, Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman said, “Together with the New York Blood Center, we are proud to honor the students, faculty and staff who have made more than 1,000,0000 blood donations since the inception of the program.”