With a grant from KeyBank Foundation, Lifting Up Westchester (LUW) opened a new facility to provide job readiness and placement services for the unemployed and underemployed in Westchester County. The new facility was made possible through a two-year, $200,000 community impact grant from KeyBank Foundation. The grant enables LUW to renovate the physical center, hire staff, establish employment partnerships and work with the Department of Social Services and other social welfare organizations to build a pipeline to targeted populations. The center strives to assist an estimated 175 unemployed and significantly under-employed individuals over the grant’s two-year funding period.
Extremely low-income and asset limited, income constrained, employed (ALICE) individuals face a variety of unique challenges to employment stability and wage advancement. Job Central will take a comprehensive approach to providing job readiness and skills training, individual job coaching, job placement services and other resources to help achieve living wage jobs and employment advancement. Its program will complement existing employment programs in Westchester County, while addressing the high barriers people with extremely low-income face every day, such as access to computers and proper interview clothes, thus creating a centralized hub for services traditionally acquired through multiple agencies.
Job Central @ Lifting Up Westchester is located at 148 Hamilton Ave. in White Plains.