The Hudson Gateway Realtor® Founda-
tion, the charitable arm of the Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors®, recently presented a check for $1,000 to Friends of Karen in North Salem.
Founded in 1978, Friends of Karen was named for Karen MacInnes, 16, who was terminally ill with Lafora disease, a rare genetic disorder. She had been in a New York City hospital for almost a year and her parents were traveling 110 miles daily between their Purdys, New York, home and the hospital to be with her. Karen wanted to spend her remaining time at home surrounded by those she loved.
Sheila Petersen, a family friend, appealed to the community, and friends and neighbors gave generously to help pay the mounting bills for Karen”™s care. Following Karen”™s passing, Petersen continued her efforts to help other families of children with life-threatening illnesses. Today, more than 40 years later, the organization helps hundreds of ill children and their families every month, by providing a blend of emotional and financial support at no cost to them.
“The grant from the Hudson Gateway Realtor Foundation comes at a time when so many of our families are reeling from the impact of their child”™s cancer diagnosis, compounded by Covid-19. These funds will help us cover basic costs like food and rent for families who are struggling with enormous illness-related expenses at a time when they have had to leave a job to be bedside with their ill child,” explained Judith Factor, Friends of Karen”™s executive director.