The Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol Inc. (The Patrol) hosted “Operation Santa,” a benefit in support of its all-volunteer agency celebrating 93 years of service to the town of Greenwich.
The Patrol volunteers delivered holiday cheer, complete with Santa and The Grinch, Dec. 5 through Dec. 20 to participants who had signed up online.
In lieu of the Cos Cob Fire Police benefit this year, the donations made for this special delivery will help offset funds that would have been raised at that benefit.
Protecting the town of Greenwich since 1927, the Patrol is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the residents. It provides a broad spectrum of services to residents and first responders, including firefighting, salvage operations, traffic and scene control at emergencies. “We are truly blessed to have these volunteers who are ready to roll out whenever needed, 24/7,” said Fred Camillo, Greenwich first selectman.