Yonkers Arts in partnership with the Yonkers Public Library will launch during the first week of April the “I AM a Hero: Comic Book Creation Workshop.” The free, five-week virtual program, created by Evan Bishop; challenges up to 15 students to create an authentic super-hero that resembles themselves and uses their super-powers to take on relative social issues that affect themselves and others.
“The student-heroes will explore, empower and express who they are through the medium of comic book art, all while having fun with other such heroes,” said Bishop.
Participants must register at yonkersarts.org for the workshop, which will consist of a 90-minute session each week over a five-week period.
“Yonkers Arts believes in the important role that exposure to art plays in our communities and are constantly working to develop programs and opportunities that engage and inspire creatives of all ages,” said Ray Wilcox, executive director of Yonkers Arts.”