Mechtronics Corp., a manufacturer of point-of-sale display systems located at 511 Fishkill Ave. in Beacon, is seeking $6 million from the Dutchess County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) to fund relocation of its White Plains office.
The company, which has a manufacturing facility in White Plains, would consolidate its offices in Beacon with a 65,000-square-foot addition. The move would relocate about 20 employees to Beacon.
“Our planning board approved the site plan approval for the addition, and we lent our support to the application to the IDA,” said Tim Dexter, Beacon”™s acting city administrator. “Mechtronics had a very short approval window; the process was quicker than they could ever have imagined. They designed to the city”™s code and the rest just fell in place.”
Dexter said there”™s not a whole lot of manufacturing left in Beacon; most of the big industry moved out as the city turned into more of a bedroom community.
Michael Tomkovich, chairman of the Dutchess County IDA, said Mechtronics moved to the county in the early ”™90s “and they”™ve been here ever since.”
The company”™s original move to Dutchess was an IDA project. The company paid off the original IDA loan, Tomkovich said.
“Mechtronics builds displays for drugstores, and they want to get into digital media,” Tomkovich said. “They need the extra space. They also feel that if they have their engineering department here they will be much better able to serve their customers.”
Some final approvals are still needed before the project can more forward, Tomkovich said.
“It”™s not finalized yet, but it”™s well on its way,” Tomkovich said. “For Beacon it”™s just fabulous; they”™re going to bring about 20 jobs there, which will allow people to work where they live. In addition, more industrial infrastructure has the potential to expand the manufacturing base in New York state.”
Mechtronics Corp. declined to comment for this article.