The village of Mamaroneck is mulling a six-month development moratorium as it reviews its comprehensive plan and local waterfront revitalization program.
However, Mayor Norman S. Rosenblum assured businesses that the moratorium, if approved at the next Board of Trustees meeting in August, will not extend to developments that are under way or have been approved.
“Those that have passed through the process and have permits will be exempt,” he said. Rosenblum added that businesses that have submitted plans for review but have not yet received permits may still be allowed to proceed. In those cases, businesses will be able to make their appeal before the village”™s Board of Trustees for approval.
Rosenblum said he was initially skeptical of talks to institute a moratorium, but reluctantly said he would support such action on the condition it did not extend beyond six months.
“What you don”™t want to do is give a signal that you”™re against development,” Rosenblum said. “I”™m going to strongly insist that this is limited to the six months.”