Liz Whitmer Gereghty announced that she has suspended her campaign for the Democratic nomination in New York’s 17th Congressional District and endorsed Mondaire Jones, a former congressman seeking a return to Capitol Hill.
“When we started this journey, we had one goal: to ensure the Hudson Valley was no longer represented by an anti-choice, shape-shifting extremist out of step with our values,” said Gereghty in a press statement. “That remains the most important goal.”
Gereghty also slammed the incumbent, Rep. Mike Lawler, claiming that he and his fellow Republicans “are more interested in regulating women than the weapons of war flooding our nation. They are working to defund public schools and don’t want you to notice that Congress’ inaction on common sense gun safety legislation impacts your property taxes when schools have to increase spending on security to keep our students safe. Lawler, a former oil and gas lobbyist, is more interested in saving gas stoves than preventing childhood asthma and working to protect the planet for future generations. We need progress, not performance art. We deserve better.”
Gereghty is the younger sister of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her only previous elected experience has been her service on the Katonah-Lewisboro School Board. She previously ran the teen-focused retail store Pop Katonah and worked as the director of new media for Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp.