Gov. Ned Lamont has responded to the forecasted impact of today”™s snowstorm by issuing a ban on all tandem tractor trailers and empty tractor trailers from traveling on Interstate 84 statewide.
The ban went into effect at 6:00 a.m. this morning and will remain until further notice. The governor said the travel ban is based on the expectation of heavy wet snow and high winds that could impact this area of the state. Lamont added the ban was done in coordination with New York, which has implemented a similar travel ban last night at 8:00 p.m. on tandem tractor trailers and empty tractor trailers on highways in this region.
“During peak periods of this storm, we are expecting to see very strong wind gusts and heavy wet snow in the northern region of the state, particularly along the I-84 corridor,” Lamont said. “This storm is unique for our small state in that some areas are expected to receive a significant impact and in other regions it may be less severe. I encourage everyone to stay alert for weather updates and take caution if you need to travel.”
Update: The governor announced the lifting of the ban for 3:30 p.m. today.