Bridgeport-based New Beginnings Family Academy, a K-8 charter school, celebrated achievement of the school”™s on-time grade promotions at the Bridgeport Bluefish game recently at the Ballpark at Harbor Yard.
The Bluefish won the game 2-0 versus the Lancaster Barnstormers.
Pete Rose, a former Major League Baseball player and coach who is considered Hall of Fame-caliber but was tainted by a gambling scandal, coached the Bluefish, but only for the single Barnstormers game.
New Beginnings Family Academy”™s eighth-grade valedictorian, Mikiahya Black, threw out the first pitch. A group of students and parents from all grades sang “God Bless America.”
The school stresses what it terms a rigorous academic regimen coupled with character development and family involvement.
“We are proud of the effort our students put into their education this year” said Ronelle P. Swagerty, CEO of the school. “In partnership with our students”™ families, we have created a special place for learning where the academic rigor has led to a focus on grade promotion, high school graduation and college attendance.”
Rose returned to baseball for one night only to coach the Bluefish. He is not eligible for the Hall of Fame owing to a lifetime ban but remains a popular figure among fans for ballpark skills that earned him the nickname ”“ reportedly coined by Mickey Mantle ”“ Charlie Hustle.