Proving the adage you”™re never too old to learn, Stamford, which dates to 1642, now has a Facebook page. The city was already on board with Twitter.
The Facebook page marks the city”™s first engagement on the billion-user-plus social media platform. The address is
“Facebook is a staple of how people communicate in today”™s world,” Mayor David Martin said. “We are focused on making city government open and citizen friendly and this is one tool to do just that.”
The page will host information from the Stamford Government Center and include updates from city departments including the mayor”™s office. City press announcements, public service announcements, community events, select board and commission meeting information and coverage of the mayor”™s activities will also be featured.
The mayor”™s office cited “the evolution of how residents consume information and [the] goal of better communicating with residents” as reasons for the page and cited a Pew research poll that found 71 percent of Internet users use Facebook. The city also looks to offer an online newsletter for residents in the coming months.
The city already maintains a Twitter account, accessible at the handle @CityofStamford. The account is primarily used for public safety updates and is followed by 2,480 accounts.