Henkel and Adobe have formed a strategic partnership to develop a new data-driven digital business and e-commerce platform.
Henkel, whose product line includes Snuggle, Dial and Right Guard, said the partnership reflects its focus on strengthening its competitive edge through digitalization across all business activities.
“Our digital transformation is one of the key levers to deliver on our agenda for purposeful growth,” said Henkel CEO Carsten Knobel. “After creating Henkel dx, our new integrated unit driving our digital business transformation together with our business units and functions, we are now taking the next step by entering into this strategic partnership.
“With the development of our data-driven digital business and e-commerce platform,” he continued, “our businesses will be able to launch products and services faster, in a more targeted, personalized and efficient manner to our consumers and customers.”
Henkel has developed “RAQN,” a digital business platform for consumer and customer intelligence and experiences. The platform is built on Henkel”™s business domain knowledge, software and artificial intelligence capabilities paired with Adobe”™s technology expertise; the combination is designed to meet the specific demands of Henkel´s different business units across consumer and industrial products.
RAQN integrates multiple digital touchpoints onto one single business platform to create a unique user experience.
Henkel has successfully launched two digitally-native vertical brands (DNVB) on its new RAQN platform: M:ID, the first inhouse developed direct-to-consumer (D2C) Beauty Care brand that offers tailormade hair care products for men; and Kaloon Mindful Care, an overnight regeneration skin care brand.
Using the new digital opportunities, the product launch was accelerated significantly: the development took only six months from initial idea to product launch. Furthermore, Schwarzkopf Professional runs its central hub for hairdressers on the RAQN platform providing updates on trends and product innovations to give a complete experience for hairdressers and their customers.
Henkel Laundry & Home Care”™s knowledge and community platform “Ask Team Clean” engages with consumers via the RAQN platform in five countries already and is currently being implemented on a global scale. Henkel”™s brand websites across all businesses and markets are powered by the digital experience suite from Adobe.