Luxury lifestyle digital brand and magazine Greenwich Girl plans on expanding its presence this year by launching a print edition, developing its reach throughout Fairfield and Westchester counties and establishing various events and sponsor partnerships.
Launched five years ago by Greenwich native Laura McKittrick, Greenwich Girl averages a digital monthly reach of more than 300,000. The full-color, glossy print edition of GG “is a natural extension of the brand and another platform to introduce the brand to those who may not be aware of it,” McKittrick said. “The goal is to reach a broader audience, provide advertisers with an additional outlet to connect with consumers, and utilize the print and digital platforms to each other”™s advantage.”
The publication is adding three full-time employees; will be the official media sponsor for the Greenwich Boat Show in April; and plans to launch its first annual event, the philanthropic “Give Back Gala,” according to McKittrick. In addition to Fairfield and Westchester, GG is also looking to introduce itself to what she characterized as “key high-profile cities nationwide, and even several island destinations where many of GG”™s fashion photo shoots have taken place throughout the years.”