Recognizing obesity is a significant problem locally, Bridgeport-based United Way of Coastal Fairfield County has awarded $10,000 to Get Healthy CT, a coalition whose mission is to eliminate obesity.
Get Healthy CT works with stakeholders in the Bridgeport region “to remove the barriers to healthy eating and physical activity.” More than 100 large and small businesses, nonprofits and community organizations have joined the coalition along with individuals and families. Funding will be used to generate greater awareness of Get Healthy CT and the free resources available on its website,
“Health impacts every aspect of people”™s lives and we know that the good health of  individuals and families helps build stronger communities,” said Cathy DeCesare, chief strategic officer, United Way of Coastal Fairfield County. “Our goal is to support community based efforts to help children in need and their families stay physically, socially and emotionally healthy. Get Healthy CT is the ideal partner for us to have a significant impact on the region”™s health and well-being.”
When joining Get Healthy CT, members commit to two simple pledges: a healthy eating pledge and a physical activity pledge. Get Healthy CT also has created the Step It Up campaign, which encourages people to take the stairs whenever possible or find other no-cost ways to incorporate walking into their daily routines. The pledges and free Step It Up resources are available online at