Second quarter reports show the Connecticut housing market continuing to improve.
Single-family home sales increased 10.5 percent this quarter compared to last year and condominium home sales increased 17.6 percent statewide, according to a Prudential Connecticut Realty report.
Since the third quarter of 2012 the median price of  a single-family home had been flat and slowly declining, however this quarter the trend took a positive turn.
The median price of a single-family home rose 2.7 percent to $249,000, compared to last year. In Fairfield County, prices increased 2.2 percent to $460,000. Fairfield also saw a 16.5 percent increase in sales.
Home prices in the state are still recovering at a slower rate than the national average, though the authors of the report say the local market is still stable. As the state continues to rebuild after the recession, the authors also say the state may be able to further rely on the real estate market for support as one of its best growth indicators.