A difference in the way women and men approach negotiations may be one reason for the gender pay gap.”¯
This month,”¯ResumeBuilder.com”¯surveyed 1,417 full-time workers to understand which workers negotiated compensation over the last two years, how successful they were and what may have limited them.”¯
Among the findings:
- 49% of men versus 32% of women negotiated their compensation within the past two years;
- 55% of men who negotiated versus 42% of women who negotiated say they got exactly what they wanted;
- Intimidation tops reasons women choose not to negotiate;
- Interestingly, women in director/executive positions were more likely than women in lower-level positions to say their gender played a role in their decision not to negotiate (76% versus 57%).
You can view the full results here.”¯
If women in management roles are demonstrably less able than men to successfully negotiate their own compensation (for whatever reason), that lack of confidence, ability, assertiveness and savvy must, in numerous industries and job functions, also diminish their ability to advocate and negotiate for their employers. The lack of such a critical skill set arguably makes those women less productive than their male counterparts.