The average person takes about 22,000 breaths a day. But are we breathing fully?
”¯Breathwork expert”¯Stuart Sandeman is teaching people all around the world to do just that.”¯ Nike”™s official breathwork coach ”“ and a regular”¯BBC Radio 1 DJ ”“ Sandeman works with numerous athletes, CEOs and notables from”¯Goop”¯and”¯Google”¯to breathe from their diaphragms to channel their anxieties and improve their mindsets.
”¯Once a skeptic, Sandeman became a breathwork convert after attending a breathing workshop when he lost his longtime girlfriend to cancer. At his 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 28, appearance at Barnes & Noble in Brooklyn (194 Atlantic Ave.), he”™ll discuss the role of breathwork in sound sleep, pain management, creative flow, concentration, relaxation, constructive risk-taking and understanding yourself, others and the world around you. The breathwork session and discussion will be followed by a question-and-answer session and a signing for his book “Breathe In, Breathe Out.”
For more, click here. https://www.breathpod.com/