Wallpaper has seen a huge shift in popularity surrounding its designs, styles and applications over the past few years. Now being used for more than just bold feature walls, wallpaper has become one of the go-to ways to add visual interest, texture and personality to the home.
We”™ll continue to see earthy prints and materials prevail in 2023, said Jennifer Matthews and Julia Biancella Au, trend forecasters and founders of”¯Tempaper & Co. Wallpaper with desert textures and tones, nature-infused colors and sun-baked pigments will be on the rise this year. At the same time, Matthews and Au added, 2023 will see a shift away from the popular geometric shapes of last year to more fluid, wave-like patterns with coastal/tropical inspiration.
Great trend info. For nature inspired wallpapers, I love those at Forest Homes Store. They have many options that will indeed flow with this trend!